Ink-Stained Scribe

Happy Solstipocalypse!

Catoon by Grant Snider
Happy Solstipocalypse!

Dropping a line here since I haven't updated in over a month. I'm working on my short story for The Ministry of Peculiar Occurances, Tales from the Archives, and hope to have it done by the end of the year. That is, assuming the zombies don't eat me by midnight (though it's past midnight in Japan and I have friends uploading pics to Facebook, so I figure we're in the clear).

I've also got about seven scenes of my new novel written. The name has changed from The Beggar's Twin to Song of the Heretic Cycle. It will be two books: Heretic's Resonance and Heretic's Dissonance. The first book is outlined, and I've left the scenes a bit short in the hopes that I will not run too long with it. I need to flesh out the ending, but that will come.

Oh, and if you want to hear me brainstorming that book with +Dave Robison+Justin Macumber, and +Alethea Kontis on The Roundtable Podcast, my episode drops on Christmas Day! Please ignore my initial resistance to change. I didn't want to be THAT person, and I totally was (oops).