Ink-Stained Scribe

Black and White

Right now, I'm wearing a black hoodie and a white face mask. Sound like I'm about to rob a bank? Well, If I were, I'd be a pretty pathetic thief; I'm wearing the face mask because I'm sick. (Please refrain from commenting on how pathetic a thief I would make [outside a Dungeons and Dragons setting] anyway.) To those unfamiliar with the Japanese culture, wearing a face mask is common when one has a cold. The idea is partially in order to keep from spreading the germs to others, and partly because the masks have menthol strips on the inside that continuously medicate your nose and throat as you breathe. Along with my 17 pills per day, I've been instructed to wear a mask when I'm not teaching or in an indoor area because Japanese late-autumn and winters are famously dry. I'm sure the skiing here would be fantastic but for the lack of precipitation, which does little to contribute to the necessary snowfall required to perform said activity. That said, this dry air is not at all conducive to recovering from sinus issues.

Unfortunately, it has progressed beyond sinus issues. I spent most of today teaching, but unlike most Fridays, today I was sick. I woke up with no voice and that feeling of weariness that sticks to your bones like sap. My muscles were weak, my nose was runny, and I feel sick after eating just about anything. It was not a good day to be me.

As a University student, I would cut class simply because I wanted a little more sleep. Today, I nearly blacked out in a class. Still, I stayed another two hours to finish up the day as usual. Why? I can't say. What's the difference between how I was in University and how I am now? Is it maturity? I'd love to chalk it up to that, but somehow I think I would be giving myself a little too much credit. I think it's part responsibility, part guilt, part fear. Anything left over can be attributed to adrenaline and stubbornness.

At the same time, I hope I get well soon. I have follow-up training in two days, and it would be awful to be sick for it.